Welcome to the

OLMC Chapter for the Three Hearts Pilgrimage

We’re Glad You’re Here!

Join the only Colorado Chapter for The Three Hearts Pilgrimage! You do not need to be a parishioner at OLMC in order to join our chapter. In fact, we have many pilgrims from other Colorado parishes as well as from several other states. The Three Hearts Pilgrimage will take place October 10-12, 2024.

Join our chapter NOW!

“There was pain and suffering but that was the point, to offer it up to God for my past sins. So much joy came from it.”

The 2023 Three Hearts Pilgrimage was a success! It was a beautiful weekend filled with joy and suffering. Cardinal Burke celebrated a Pontifical High Mass and many received his personal blessing! We hope you will join us as a pilgrim October 2024!

“Watching those families do this with small children and barefoot pilgrims, my own expectations changed. This was absolutely unforgettable and life changing! I will do it again!

Would you like to join our chapter?

Chapter Info

Learn more about our chapter, including leader info and details specific to our chapter.


Visit this link to learn about our fundraising events or donate to our cause!

Prepare to Walk!

How do you prepare for a 35-mile walk anyway? We’ll practice together! Check here for our walking practices near OLMC.

Register for Transportation

Click here to register yourself and/or your family for transportation to and from the Pilgrimage.

Register as a Van Driver

We need drivers for our pilgrims!! Click the picture to learn more and register as a van driver.

Take the Leap!

For whoever would save his life will lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake, he will save it. – Luke 9:24